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发布日期:2019-07-11   浏览:




















主要从事现代木结构、木-混凝土组合、钢-木组合结构及其抗震相关研究。主持完成国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项、江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目1项、江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目1项,目前主持在研江苏省自然科学基金面上项目1项;入选江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才。在Engineering structures、Composite structures、Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE、Construction and Building Materials、建筑结构学报、工程力学等杂志发表学术论文30余篇,其中SCI收录20篇(一作11篇)、EI收录7篇。授权发明专利和实用新型专利多项。应邀参加国际学术会议并做口头报告多次。担任Engineering Structures、Construction and building materials、Engineering computations、建筑结构学报、工程力学等国内外学术期刊审稿人。


[1] Zhibin Ling*, Zheng Li, Fan Lu, Huifeng Yang, Wei Zheng, Lingfeng Zhang. Flexural strengthening of timber-concrete composite beams using mechanically fastened and externally bonded combining mechanically fastened strengthening techniques. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023; 78: 107645. (SCI/EI)

[2] Zhibin Ling*, Zhoujun Li, Xiuqiang Rong, Huiyuan Shi. Effect of test configurations and loading protocols on performance of timber-concrete connectors. Construction and Building Materials, 2023; 367: 130244. (SCI/EI)

[3] Zhibin Ling*, Henan Zhang, Quanmeng Mu, Zhe Xiang, Lingfeng Zhang, Wei Zheng. Shear performance of assembled shear connectors for timber –concrete composite beams. Construction and Building Materials, 2022; 329: 127158. (SCI/EI)

[4] Henan Zhang, Zhibin Ling*. Finite Element Modeling on Shear Performance of Grouted Stud Connectors for Steel–Timber Composite Beams. Materials, 2022, 15, 1196. (SCI)

[5] Zhibin Ling*, Xiuqiang Rong, Zhe Xiang. Laterally loaded performance of single dowel-type fastener used for steel plate-to-timber connections. Structures, 2021; 34: 1985-1997. (SCI/EI)

[6] Zhibin Ling, Weiqing Liu*, Jingsong Shao. Experimental and theoretical investigation on shear behaviour of small-scale timber beams strengthened with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer composites. Composite Structures, 2020; 240: 111989. (SCI/EI)

[7] Zhibin Ling*, Zhe Xiang, Weiqing Liu, Huifeng Yang*, Ju Tang. Load-slip behaviour of glue laminated timber connections with glued-in steel rod parallel to grain. Construction and Building Materials, 2019; 227: 117028. (SCI/EI)

[8] Zhibin Ling*, Weiqing Liu, Huifeng Yang, Xin Chen. Modelling of glued laminated timber joints with glued-in rod considering bond-slip location function. Engineering Structures, 2018; 176: 90-102. (SCI/EI)

[9] Zhibin Ling#*, Huifeng Yang#, Weiqing Liu*, Shijun Zhu, Xin Chen. Local bond stress-slip relationships between glue laminated timber and epoxy bonded-in GFRP rod. Construction and Building Materials, 2018; 170: 1-12. (SCI/EI)

[10] Zhibin Ling, Weiqing Liu*, Frank Lam, Huifeng Yang, Weidong Lu. Bond behavior between softwood glulam and epoxy bonded-in threaded steel rod. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 2016; 28(3): 06015011. (SCI/EI)

[11] Zhibin Ling#, Huifeng Yang#, Weiqing Liu*, Weidong Lu, Ding Zhou, Lu Wang. Pull-out strength and bond behaviour of axially loaded rebar glued-in glulam. Construction and Building Materials, 2014; 65: 440-449. (SCI/EI)

[12] Lingfeng Zhang, Weiqing Liu, Ahmed Ahmad Omar, Zhibin Ling, Dongdong Yang, Yan Liu. Postfire performance of pultruded wood-cored GFRP sandwich beams. Thin-walled structures, 2023; 193: 111240. (SCI/EI)

[13] Lingfeng Zhang, Kun Wang*, Zhibin Ling, Ahmed Ahmad Omar, Kai Guo. Bond-slip behavior between reactive powder concrete and H-shaped steel. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2023; 210: 108058. (SCI/EI)

[14] Li Dong, Wei Zheng, Aiping Zhou, Zhiqiang Wang, Lingyun Zhang, Zhibin Ling, Jian Wang. Experimental investigation of the lumber-plybamboo-lumber screwed connections used in midply shear walls. 2023; 370: 130656. (SCI/EI)

[15] Liu, X.; Lu, W.; Liu, K.; Xu, F.; Ling, Z.; Yue, K. Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Rotational Behavior of Straight Mortise-Tenon Joints Considering Local Compression Perpendicular to Grain. Buildings, 2023, 13: 1839. (SCI/EI)

[16] Weidong Lu*, Zhibin Ling, Qifan Geng, Weiqing Liu, Huifeng Yang, Kong Yue. Study on flexural behavior of glulam beams reinforced by near surface mounted (NSM) CFRP laminates. Construction and Building Materials, 2015; 91: 23-31. (SCI/EI)

[17] Fubing Zhang, Weiqing Liu*, Zhibin Ling, Hai Fang, Dandan Jin. Mechanical performance of GFRP-profiled steel sheeting composite sandwich beams in four-point bending. Composite Structures, 2018; 206: 921-932. (SCI/EI)

[18] Lingfeng Zhang, Weiqing Liu, Lu Wang, Zhibin Ling., On-axis and off-axis compressive behavior of pultruded GFRP composites at elevated temperatures, Composite Structures, 2020, 236: 111891. (SCI/EI)

[19] Lingfeng Zhang, Weiqing Liu*, Lu Wang, Zhibin Ling. Mechanical behavior and damage monitoring of pultruded wood-cored GFRP sandwich components, Composite Structures, 2019; 215: 502-520. (SCI/EI)

[20] Wenxiang Zhu, Huifeng Yang*, Weiqing Liu, Benkai Shi, Zhibin Ling, Haotian Tao. Experimental investigation on innovative connections for timber–concrete composite systems. Construction and Building Materials, 2019; 207: 345-356. (SCI/EI)

[21] Benkai Shi, Wenxiang Zhu, Huifeng Yang, Weiqing Liu, Haotian Tao, Zhibin Ling. Experimental and theoretical investigation of prefabricated timber-concrete composite beams with and without prestress. Engineering Structures, .2020; 204: 109901. (SCI/EI)

[22] Wei Zheng, Weidong Lu, Weiqing Liu, Lu Wang, Zhibin Ling. Experimental investigation of laterally loaded double-shear-nail connections used in midply wood shear walls. Construction and Building Materials, 2015; 101: 761-771. (SCI/EI)

[23] Zhibin Ling, Weiqing Liu, Huifeng Yang, Zhe Xiang. Cyclic Load Behaviour of Beam-to-column Glulam Joints Combining Glued-in rods with Steel Brackets. In Proc. 15th World Conference on Timber Engineering, Seoul, Republic of Korea, CD-ROM Proceedings, 2018

[24] Zhibin Ling, Weiqing Liu, Huifeng Yang, Weidong Lu. Numerical simulation on bond behavior between glulam and glued-in rod. In Proc. 14th World Conference on Timber Engineering, Vienna City, Austria, CD-ROM Proceedings, 2016

[25] Zhibin Ling, Weiqing Liu, Huifeng Yang, Weidong Lu. Bond behavior of glued-in timber joint with deformed bar epoxied in glulam. In Proc. 13th World Conference on Timber Engineering, Quebec City, Canada, CD-ROM Proceedings, 2014.

[26] 凌志彬*, 刘淳, 张赫男. 钢-正交胶合木组合梁浆锚栓钉连接件受剪性能. 建筑结构学报: 2023, 45(3): 232-242.

[27] 王可培, 凌志彬*, 穆泉蒙.增强木梁受弯性能数值计算. 林产工业, 2023, 60(05): 51-58.

[28] 凌志彬*, 朱宇轩, 宋千军. 正交胶合木抗压承载力试验研究. 林产工业, 2023, 60(08): 25-32+46.

[29] 邹庆炜, 凌志彬*, 宋千军. 正交胶合木约束钢板剪力墙的约束板厚需求. 林产工业, 2023, 60(07): 42-50.

[30] 凌志彬, 穆泉蒙. 负弯矩作用下钢-CLT组合梁-钢柱组合节点转动性能有限元模拟. 林产工业, 2022, 59(9): 36-43.

[31] 荣秀强, 凌志彬*. 内填木芯钢管混凝土短柱轴压性能有限元分析. 建筑钢结构进展, 2022, 24(5): 8-17.

[32] 周金将,杨舒涵,纪微, 凌志彬*.自攻螺钉增强胶合木沿胶缝横纹受压承载力试验研究. 建筑结构, 2022, 52(18): 138-144+132.

[33] 李荣帆, 凌志彬*, 穆泉蒙, 张赫男. 浆锚栓钉连接钢-正交胶合木组合梁抗弯性能有限元分析. 木材科学与技术, 2022, 36(3): 80-89.

[34] 凌志彬*, 陆帆, 杨会峰. 胶合木植筋节点抗拔性能理论预测. 南京工业大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 43(5): 654-662.

[35] 凌志彬*, 刘伟庆, 杨会峰. 木结构植筋连接研究现状与展望. 结构工程师, 2017, 33(6): 188-195.

[36] 凌志彬*, 刘伟庆, 杨会峰. 胶合木植筋节点黏结锚固可靠度分析与设计建议. 南京工业大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 38(5): 1-6.

[37] 杨会峰, 凌志彬, 刘伟庆*, 陆伟东. 单调与低周反复荷载作用下胶合木梁柱延性抗弯节点试验研究. 建筑结构学报, 2015, 36(10): 131-138. (EI)

[38] 凌志彬, 刘伟庆*, 杨会峰, 陆伟东. 考虑位置函数的胶合木植筋粘结-滑移关系研究. 工程力学, 2016, 33(3): 95-103. (EI)

[39] 凌志彬, 杨会峰*, 刘伟庆, 陆伟东. 胶合木植筋黏结锚固性能试验研究. 建筑结构学报, 2013, 34(9): 132-141. (EI)




