研究方向 土木工程材料 道路工程 岩土工程 科研项目 苏州市科技局资助项目,隧道接缝用高性能抗裂沥青混合料研究,2020.07-2022.07,主持 苏州市科技局资助项目,海绵城市排水路面用橡胶粉改性沥青性能研究与制备,2018.07-2021.06,主持 苏州市科技局资助项目,再生旧混凝土道路基层材料干缩性能关键技术和应用,2018.09-2021.09,主持 国家自然科学基金面上项目,全气候作用下沥青混合料中沥青纳米级老化机理和老化动力学研究,2014.01-2017.12,主持 美国联邦管理局乔治亚交通部项目,Comprehensive Evaluation of the Long-term Performance of Rubberized Pavement,2012.10-2014.12,主持 江苏省交通运输厅资助项目,泡沫沥青用发泡装置及其运用关键技术研究,2012.03-2014.03,主持 代表性论著 [1]Xiaolong Li;Junan Shen*;Tianqing Ling;Fugen Yuan;Fatigue Properties of Aged Porous Asphalt Mixture with an Epoxy Asphalt Binder,Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,2021.08. [2]Xinsheng Li; Junan Shen*; Pengcheng Shi; Hong Zhu; Nonlinear Modeling of Nanoscaled Properties of Asphalt Binders Recovered from Weathered Asphalt Mixtures, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2020, 32. [3]Dai Zhen; Junan Shen*; Li Hui; Examining relationships between properties of weathered asphalt mixtures and nano-sized morphology of their recovered binders, Road Materials and Pavement Design, 2020, 21: 2054-2070. [4]Pengcheng Shi; Xinsheng Li; Junan Shen*; Nonlinear modelling of selected micro- and macro-properties of weathered asphalt mixtures, Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 253:1-9. [5]Zhen Dai; Junan Shen*; Pengcheng Shi; Xinsheng Li; Hui Li; Multi-scaled properties of asphalt binders extracted from weathered asphalt mixtures, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2020, 21: 1651-1661. [6]Dai Zhen; Junan Shen; Li Hui; Examining relationships between properties of weathered asphalt mixtures and nano-sized morphology of their recovered binders, Road Materials and Pavement Design, 2020, 21: 2054-2070. [7]Pengcheng Shi; Zhen Dai; Hong Zhu; Qiju Gao; Xinsheng Li and Junan Shen*, Nanoscaled Characteristics of Recovered Asphalt Binders from Weathered Asphalt Mixtures, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2019, 47: 3656-3670. [8]Zhaoxing Xie and Junan Shen*; Effect of Weathering on Rubberized Porous European Mixtures, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 2016. [9]Zhaoxing Xie and Junan Shen*; Performance Properties of Rubberized Stone Matrix Asphalt Mixtures Produced through Different Processes, Construction and Building Materials, 2016, Vol.104: 230-234. [10]Zhaoxing Xie and Junan Shen*; Fatigue Performance of Rubberized Stone Matrix Asphalt by a Simplified Viscoelastic Continuum Damage Model, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, released online, (10.1061)/(ASCE)MT. 1943-5533.0001463, 2015. [11]Zhaoxing Xie; Junan Shen*; Matthew Earnest, Bo Li and Mike Jackson, Fatigue Performance Evaluation of Rubberized Porous European Mixture by Simplified Viscoelastic Continuum Damage Model, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2015, No. 2506: 90-99. [12]Junan Shen; Zhaoxing Xie*; Performance of Porous European Mix (PEM) Pavement Added with Crumb Rubbers in Dry Process, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Published online: 23 Feb 2015. 授权专利 石鹏程; 沈菊男; 陈建新; 蔡健. 一种SBS改性沥青中SBS含量高精度检测方法, 2018-8-28, ZL201510190654.X. 沈菊男; 陈建新; 范文忠. 水发泡温拌沥青再生混合料及其制备方法,2017-1-11,ZL201410335980.0. 沈菊男; 石鹏程; 谢兆星; 高启聚; 李新生; 祝鸿. 沥青老化仪, 2015-3-25, ZL201420306887.2. 沈菊男; 田永静; 陈建新; 范文忠; 石鹏程. 泡沫沥青发泡装置, 2014-2-26,ZL201320442353.8. 横向服务 苏州交投规划设计建设管理有限公司委托科研项目:“再生材料在城北公路改造工程中的应用研究”,(2016.11-2021.03) 苏州交投规划设计建设管理有限公司委托科研项目:“城北路水泥稳定旧沥青混合料底基层设计和长期性能研究”,(2020.05-至今) 常州市新北区市政绿化管理所委托科研项目:“就地热再生沥青混合料再生技术研究”,(2019.09-2021.09) 苏州市项城交通建设投资(基团)有限公司委托检测项目:“苏州国际快速物流通道二期工程-春申湖路快速改造共SBS改性沥青PG性能测定、改性沥青SBS掺量测定”,(2020.03-至今) 悉地(苏州)勘察设计顾问有限公司委托科研项目:“公路旧二灰基层材料再生利用技术”,(2016.07-2017.09)